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 The Human Energy Field – How It Works

The Human Energy Field – How It Works

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

Once during a radio talk show, the host asked me: “When friends around us are feeling nervous, we will instinctively reach out to hold their hand, in the hope of giving them some comfort. Can small gestures like these be examples of transference of Qi?” This is a very good question. Small gestures in our daily lives like these are indeed examples of transference of Qi.

The palms of our hands have certain acupressure points that are extremely sensitive. If someone is feeling nervous, we can use our fingers to press very lightly upon their palm area. At the same time, we should coordinate our breath, so that it is calm and steady — not too fast nor too slow. Gradually we find that the other party will start to feel more relaxed.

Our energy field constantly interacts with the energy field of others. For instance, when we are concerned about the well-being of others, they will be able to sense this “energy,” and, as a result, feel reassured. In this way, our interactions with others become more positive, stable, and peaceful.

Another example is, prior to entering the house after a long and exhausting day, we should first take a moment to compose ourselves, and calm down before going in. This is especially true when we are visiting the sick, as the patient will be negatively affected if they see us like a nervous wreck.

So. in our daily lives, regardless of whether we are returning home from work or from school, we should not enter the house without first getting ourselves together. Otherwise people might wonder if there is something wrong with us. This is because they sense an energy disturbance, and, as a result, feel that something is amiss.

This is also one of the reasons why we should practice regularly to strengthen our Qi — so that we will be in a constant state of ease and calm. In this way, we can positively affect those around us, and spread peace wherever we go.

“Spare a thought for others and you will bring peace wherever you go.” — Lee Feng San Shifu