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The Entrepreneurial Spirit

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

What is the spirit of the entrepreneur? When it comes to entrepreneurship, I am actually a layman; but those who truly personify culture and refinement, and genuinely appreciate the importance of cultivating moral character and virtue, are, in this regard, also operating and managing an enterprise business. They are, in every way, like an entrepreneur.

When we talk about entrepreneurship from the perspective of self-cultivation, we have to address the topic of “Qi.” Coincidentally, the first character of the Chinese word “enterprise” (企業) has the same sound as the word “Qi.” So, when we mention the word enterprise (Qǐyè), Qi also comes to mind, as in Qi Gong — and also the free-flowing Qi mentioned in Meimen’s comprehensive philosophy of life and health.

When we speak and act in a straightforward manner, it is a sign that Qi is flowing freely! Aside from getting our own Qi to flow freely, we should also nurture a genuine sense of camaraderie with our workmates, so that we can complete the tasks at hand without obstacles.

As for the second character of the Chinese word “enterprise” (業), it means “that which needs to be done.” Apart from considering our own needs, we also have to spare a thought for others. Naturally, there are times when our needs take priority, and rare are those who never think for themselves.

There is nothing wrong with doing things for ourselves but the question is “to what end?” For instance, if we know ways on how “to better our own lives,” we can impart this knowledge to other people “so everyone else can benefit from it.” This is the meaning of “that which needs to be done.”

For example, if we know ways to stay healthy or to make money, we can show others how to do that too, and, in this way, grow in altruism. Only with an altruistic mind are we capable of developing morally and ethically, then truly grow in virtue.

If we want our entrepreneurial efforts to go well, first we have to be well ourselves. How can we be well ourselves? We have to get our “Qi” flowing. Do exercises daily to get our Qi circulating, and both mind and body will benefit from it. If we wish for good luck, we have to make a personal effort to improve the flow of our Qi.

There is a saying: “heaven will not reveal its secrets.” But the truth is, heaven is revealing its secrets in all sorts of ways. It all depends on whether we are able to catch sight of them and their mysterious ways.

“Exercise daily to get your Qi flowing and enjoy a healthier mind and body.” — Lee Feng San Shifu 




以「業」來講,我們除了為自己,也要為別人。當然,每個人都有為自己的時候,很少人從來不為自己。為自己並沒有錯,只是怎麼「為」?而且,當我們有了「獨善其身」的方法之後,如果能夠把這一套方法,告訴所有的人,不就成了「兼善天下」了嗎 ?這就是「業」。當我們懂得讓自己健康、以及怎麼去賺錢的時候,把這個方法,告訴所有人,就形成一個廣業的精神。有了廣業的精神,也就是一個人有道德的本事;有道德的本事,我們才真正地開始積德。

