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Synchronizing Mind and Body

Synchronizing Mind and Body

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

Students ask me: ” Why is that no matter how hard we try, we can never surpass your level of attainment in Qi Gong?”  I would say :”I have been practicing for decades now and how long have you been practicing?  Moreover, I have never skipped a day of practice since I started!”  Our attitude towards Qi Gong training is the same as in life – we should never compare ourselves with others.  This is because everyone differs in their potential for learning, stage of personal evolution, and state of mind and physical condition.  However, we should make comparisons within ourselves and aim for a personal breakthrough.  This is what is most important.

How do we make comparisons within ourselves?  It is simple actually, and that is to compare the state of our mind with that of our body.  For instance, if we are feeling down or depressed, we should train our body to uplift our spirits. On the other hand, if our physical health is less than optimal, we can improve it by having a positive mindset, thereby harnessing the healing powers of the body.  To achieve this synchronization, we need to have a proper method of training without which will not be possible.

Apart from training the body, we need to raise our level of consciousness.  To do this, we have to bear in mind the idea of “the above and the below”. The I-Ching says “The superior man discriminates between the high and the low.  The Receptive (low) does not combat the Creative (high) but complements it.”  If a person knows how to honor and respect the teacher, he needs not compare himself with others and therefore he makes progress. If a person does not honor and respect the teacher, regardless of how hard he practices, he feels resentment in his heart and finds it difficult to realize his goal.  As a result, he becomes even more resentful and finds excuses to justify his behavior.   He also grows increasingly disrespectful and this turns into a vicious cycle. 

The purpose of Qi Gong is to develop our higher nature.  The ancients say, “I am good at cultivating the sublime in me.”  It means that when we cultivate the qualities of greatness, success will come to us from the primal depths of the universe.  As a result, our view towards life and many other things will be totally transformed.

“In life, we should not compare ourselves with others; instead we should strive to surpass ourselves, to be something better than we have ever been before.” — Lee Feng San Shifu