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Meridian Transmission

Meridian Transmission

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

Once I was on a radio program and a listener consulted me about a spot on the back of her right shoulder. She said it often felt achy to the point that her entire arm was left weak and limp. On one occasion when she had a cold, she would experience shortness of breath whenever she lifted heavy objects or felt anxious. She had no idea what was going on. In fact, her condition may be studied from a holistic point of view. What is the cause of her symptoms? When we overexert ourselves over a long period of time, chronic fatigue can lead to symptoms. When nerves in the overexerted areas of the body are pressed upon, they may cause weakness in the limbs. Therefore, the various symptoms which she experienced were all related, owing to the pressed nerve transmitting sensations along the meridian pathways. This is what is called the “Meridian Transmission”.

As these transmission pathways are all interconnected, a single affected area can cause disruption to the entire system. As for this friend of ours, she may not experience any shortness of breath when she is well and does not have a cold. But when she gets a cold, her body becomes weak and she can easily get shortness of breath. This is one of those terrible complications which can happen.

Generally when we have dormant pathological conditions in our body, we may not experience them immediately, but that does not mean they will never act up. When our body becomes weak due to a cold or overexertion, these dormant conditions will make themselves known. At times like these, we should become extra cautious because if we are weak, we will become even weaker. However, if we can take care of ourselves, we will get well.

Everyone dreads getting sick, but they do not have any effective way to prevent that from happening. So why do we put our efforts into popularizing the Pingshuai exercise? This is because extensive research and development, as well as physical evidence, show that this exercise can unblock all the meridian points in our body through a chain effect, and the results are also readily attainable. Moreover, it is easy to learn and is suitable for all ages and genders. This is why we have developed this exercise hoping that everyone can swing their way to health, happiness and joy.

“When physical conditions appear, we must strengthen our resolve, take care of ourselves and practice Pingshuai to create a free flow of energy.” — Lee Feng San Shifu