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Inner Sense of Fulfillment

Inner Sense of Fulfillment

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

Are you afraid of getting old? Do you avoid telling people your age? Hopefully, we have all heard the saying: “One can never be too courteous.” However, these days, we often encounter people who are so polite that they make us feel annoyed or uncomfortable.

Traditionally, the Chinese people attach great importance to using the proper honorifics to convey a sense of respect to elders or those in authority. However, nowadays, it is advisable to think twice before indiscriminately calling someone “Sir” or “Ma’am,” even if it’s meant to be polite. This is because if we use an honorific address which infers age, it might make the other person feel uncomfortable — even upset and depressed!

I often say to my students: “We should learn to observe our family members and understand their emotions without them having to speak at all. On the other hand, before we go outdoors, we should observe the sky to get familiar with any important changes in the weather. Finally, in our daily interactions with people, we should learn to interpret their facial expressions, and to read the important non-verbal cues that they give off. This is a way in which we show consideration for the feelings of others.”

Sometimes even I have to ask myself whether I fear getting old. If we only invest in polishing up our external appearance — focusing solely on appearing youthful and attractive — without attending to our in-dwelling spirit, then we will become empty-hearted and spiritually poor. If that is the case, we will surely be horrified if we get a “Sir” or “Ma’am,” because we have grown old from within, and we are afraid that others might find out.

The fact is, the way out of this dilemma is to train and fortify both the mind and body, so that we radiate vitality and youthfulness from within. This is what it truly means to be forever young!

A sense of fulfillment coming from within, keeps our bodies nimble and our minds focused. We will only grow wiser, more considerate, and more attractive as the years go by. Even if someone calls us something that infers that we have passed our prime, we need not feel insulted anymore.

Instead, there is an easy acceptance, and a willingness to allow everything to happen naturally without resisting. If we can do that, then we are truly connected with the natural process of life.

“Attend to our indwelling spirit and we will stay nimble in mind and body, and become more attractive with the passing of years.” — Lee Feng San Shifu