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Healing Our Digestive System

Healing Our Digestive System

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

Gastrointestinal problem is a common health issue in today’s society and is becoming more prevalent among younger people. In fact, stomach problems are one of the most common symptoms of stress and anxiety, and with time they turn into chronic disorders.

The ancients say: “The spleen and the stomach represent the earth element in us.” Earth is associated with qualities of rootedness and stability. People with weak spleen and stomach should first ask themselves: Am I coming up with a lot of ideas but never act on them?

A saying goes: “Actions speak louder than words.” If we are overflowing with ideas, but never do anything about them, they become trapped in our imagination! The result is we try even harder to work things out in our minds, and failing we become frustrated. Finally, we have to find excuses for ourselves for not acting. The fact remains however, that nothing has been solved, but the cumulated stress has already impacted our health.

The practice of Qi Gong can solve this problem. Pingshuai Gong is one such exercise which can provide proper training to persons living in today’s society. As for people who are more sedentary, they can also add some simple massaging exercises to their routine. The idea of doing massaging exercises is analogous to the act of tilling which breaks up crusted soil. Through rhythmic agitation, hard soil is loosened up, which allows roots to receive nutrients and plants to grow well.

Therefore, this type of massaging is similar to tilling. It cannot be done haphazardly and aimlessly, but systematically and in an appropriate and relaxed manner. Those who have digestive issues can try practicing Pingshuai Gong and massaging exercises simultaneously and experience their healing and restorative effects.

“If we generate an abundance of ideas and not take appropriate action, they cannot be freed from our imagination.” — Lee Feng San Shifu