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Concept of the Superior and Inferior

 Concept of the Superior and Inferior

by Master Lee Feng San Shifu

Translated by Sophia Lui

Edited by Ric Meyers

On television, we often hear reports of slander and condemnations, as if we have already forgotten the value of respect for others. This is a really regrettable phenomenon. When society disregards the hierarchical relationship between people, so that subordinates in the workplace are always dissatisfied with their bosses, and supervisors or managers do not show empathy to their employees, how are we to impart to the younger generation the importance of having respect for others?

The I-Ching elaborates on the relationship between “heaven, superior and creative, and earth, inferior and receptive.” Our elders are our superior and we are their inferior; which is something as one would expect. If we lose sight of that hierarchical concept of the above and below, society collapses.

I often explain that people in this world are divided into two types: teacher and student. For example, our elders are our teacher and we, their student. If I give lessons in class, I am the teacher and you, being the recipient of my teachings, are the student. However, outside of the classroom, you may share with me your expertise in a particular area. In that case, you become my teacher and I, your student.

Generally speaking, our parents and elders are our teachers, and the younger children are our students. Nevertheless, this relationship is not fixed, but fluid. For example, kids may occasionally say something really wise or brilliant that can stop us in our tracks. So in that instant, the child becomes our teacher and we, the student.

Regardless of our social status and the amount of knowledge we have amassed, sometimes we have to learn from one another, so that we do not cease making progress. If everyone holds the concept of the above and the below, humbly learn from each other, and is sincere in our personal interactions, we will spread peace in this world. If we disregard the concept of the above and the below, then society will become increasingly chaotic.

“Heaven is superior and earth is inferior; put others above and ourselves below. Disregard the above and the below, and disorder will reign in society.” — Lee Feng San Shifu